Is it worth visiting Iceland in winter?

Definitely yes! Don’t hesitate a second to go to Iceland in winter and admire the exceptional winter wonderland. The snow and frozen waterfalls makes it a magic experience. When you do hit the road, make sure to be prepared. Normally your rental car should be equiped with tires with small spikes to safely ride on ice roads. Also for hiking you should prepare to have crampons for your safety. You will be hiking on snow and once multiple people have done that earlier, the path can get slippery. Also the stairs and rocks will be slippery. 

Ice roads
Ice roads
Walking paths and stairs
Walking paths and stairs

If you are into cold therapy this destination is a must-visit. Upon arrival at the parking lot, descend to the counter where payments are made. Here you can also check the water and outdoor temperature. Afterwards you go to the changing room, where you’ll find baskets for your clothing. These baskets are conveniently placed in racks. Note: If you intend to put your personal belongings in a locker, be sure to bring a small lock. Before going outside, take a shower. Then, indulge in the warmth of the hottub to prepare your body for the cold experience ahead.

When swimming in pretty cold water, it’s crucial to keep your head warm. Consider bringing a swimming cap, and if available, neoprene gloves and shoes. It will help you to resist the cold and prolong your stay in the water. Put on your cap, gloves and shoes and go to the sea. Feel confident, believe in yourself and enter the sea step by step. Be careful and mindful of a potential cold shock. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Enjoy the moment.

A general guideline suggests staying in the water for one minute per degree of its temperature For ex: if the water is 5 degrees Celsius, limit your stay to a maximum of 5 minutes. Emerging from the water, you’ll likely experience a natural high. Now you can go back to the hottub. If desired, you can repeat the experience. Personally, I recommend going twice for optimal enjoyment..


The waterfalls look completely different in winter compared to summer. When you are lucky enough to have a clear blue sky, the magical experience is complete. 


Skiing in Iceland?

Just 30 minutes outside Reykjavik you can find Bláfjöll where you can ski in a beautiful environment. This resort is not to be compared with huge locations in France or Austria but you can amuse yourself for a couple of hours. As there are short days in Iceland during winter the slopes are lighted in the evening. Do however prepare for larger crowds when you pick the wrong moment. Read more here: Bláfjöll

Wider skiing area views
Wider skiing area views
Perfect conditions
Perfect conditions

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